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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Patenaude

What It's Like to Work with a Coach

Updated: Jan 26, 2020

I've hired a few different kinds of coaches over the last few years. From finance, to health, to other challenging things that life throws our way, each of my coaches has made a huge impact on my worldview and on how I see myself. So, rather than write about what my first year as an instructional coach has been like so far, I thought it might make more sense to write from the other side of the desk. Here's a list of five things I learned as a "coachee" that I want to take with me as I work with my own clients and colleagues:

1. Coaching allows me to think deeply about what I really want to accomplish and value. I'm a bit of a dreamer, and I tend to get carried away with big ideas. While this isn't a bad thing, it can lead to making decisions that aren't practical or in alignment with my core desires. (If you're the kind of person who is more grounded, then a coach is the perfect person to help you push your thinking outside of your comfort zone.)

2. Coaching can be therapeutic, but it isn't therapy. While therapy often looks to the past for understanding, coaching is more present and future oriented. Coaches ask: Where are you now, and where do you want to go? Then they give you the tools you need to make it happen.

3. Goals evolve. Each goal I have set with my coaches has morphed into something different, propelling me forward with each new step or learning curve. I'm never "done" growing, and I always feel like I'm making progress.

4. I call the shots. I have to be the one to make and keep appointments, follow-up with questions and feedback, and track my progress. My coach is invested in my growth, but only as much as I am!

5. Coaching is judgement-free. They don't point out all the things I'm doing wrong or make me think I'm falling short, and they don't assume to have all the answers or the "right" way to do things. In fact, many coaches do what they do because they too are still learning and growing. Coaches have been there and back again themselves, and they want to walk with you as you find your own way through.

None of us are broken, and we don't need correcting. However, there are areas in my life that I really want to improve upon. Working with a coach is one of my favorite ways to break through and reach my goals instead of bumping up against the same problems over and over again.

PS: Here are the links to my coaches' websites, past and present. They're amazing people, and I'm so glad I found them!

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